Human Trafficking 101 Training and Awareness

by Saceia Armstrong

Posted on July 19, 2024, 5:40 am Viewed 42 times.

Did you see the Sound of Freedom? Do you want to know more about domestic trafficking and how you can get involved? There are many ways to do so:

1- Prevention, 2- Awareness, 3- Education, 4- Outreach, 5- Legislation,

6- Donation

Join us for this timely training. Hear about what fuels trafficking and how a trafficker grooms the victims. Learn the signs of a trafficked victim and what you can do to help her. Providence Outreach Ministries will share how you can get involved in this fight and what they are doing to raise awareness in our community.

Stephanie Clawson is our guest speaker. She has volunteered and worked with several anti-trafficking organizations in the Houston area. Stephanie is passionate about raising awareness and stopping this modern-day slavery.

**Sat Sept 16th from 10 am-12 pm Location to be announced.** .

Free event.

Please register at EventBrite:


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